You are here: Administering Jiwa > Printing Reports > PostCards > Using PostCards

Using PostCards





Select the required Report form the list box


Choose either Crystal Export or Printer Export


Choose the Crystal Export option to export using the Crystal exporting routines

If the Crystal Export option is selected, choose the Format for the Crystal report from the list box (eg Rich Text)

 - Select Send to Mail’ if the report is to be sent via email or fax.   The email or fax address is stored in the Debtor record – a fax number is indicated if the email field contains a number in square brackets

 - Select ‘Send to Disk’ to write the report for each debtor to a file using the specified format. Select the Filename from the list box. The report for each debtor is written to the same file. Breakouts can be used to process the data for each debtor


Choose the Printer Export option to export the reports via the printing object and a disk file. With this option, the system will prompt for a new file name for each debtor. The disk file can then be processed by a breakout.

Choose a Printer for the printer export with a disk file port set up in the control panel


Choose the Account Type from the list box – i.e.

The Ranges displayed for selection will adjust depending on the Account Type selected


Enter the Subject to show in the email


Enter the Message to show in the email


Select or enter the Ranges to be used for the reports – these are applicable to the Account Type selected



Click the Export button to process the Post Cards

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